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4.6 ( 5296 ratings )
Musica Intrattenimento

Go Crazy!! This app is sure to bring out excitement from the depths of your soul. Gradually you will feel any music is incomplete without DJFlash. Let your eyes and Veins too enjoy the Music. A Total entertainment that involves all your senses. Your iPhone transforms to a DJ Flash that flashes with music... Let your Eyes enjoy Music Your iPhone transforms to a DJ Sub and feel the touch of music when it vibrates your veins out... Let your Body enjoy music Ears, Eyes and Body all in perfect Rythmn. Now, Listening to music means more... Inside the Room ------------- Make your own world inside your own room… Turn off the lights, put on the music, keep your DJ Flash some where in the corner and ROCK… ;-) Moving in a car ------------ Traveling is not just moving, now its Fun, now its a party altogether. Street Dance ---------- Street dance has got a new face with DJ Flash… Attraction is guarantied Ton times and to pay Attention, is something which no one can deny… Clubs and Pubs ------------ Enhance and power up Clubs and Pubs, add an additional dose which might call for applause and throw yourself on the floor with amazing dance steps rhythmically with DJFlash. DJ Parties ------- This is where it rocks, this is where this breed belongs to… At a DJ party this App will feel at home. Get together ---------- A Get together party? wow!! nice place to show off with DJFlashes and some nice eye catching moves with the rhythm of music. Dance Practice ----------- Wanna practice dance, yo baby, do it all with DJ Flash… Feel the thump… feel the energy it gives and the extra boost it delivers on you… Flash Mob -------- Flash Mobs are happy to find a missing tool. Now DJFlash is handy for them to do, what they are meant to do. Disclaimer -------- The usage of this App has to be done sensibly. The Flashes can be uncomfortable for some people, make sure every one around is happy and comfortable when you turn on this magical DJ Flash. Also take care not to look in to the flash light directly. Buddy, the Air is all yours, play it… flash it… and feel it.